Burning Down the House
05/24/2022 - ==>
05/24/2022 - Karkat: Disappear.
05/17/2022 - Jane: Enter.
05/17/2022 - Jade: Let go.
05/17/2022 - John: Take the drawing pad.
05/17/2022 - ==>
05/17/2022 - Jade: Draw Karkat.
05/17/2022 - ==>
05/17/2022 - ==>
05/17/2022 - ==>
05/17/2022 - John: Look through your sylladex.
05/17/2022 - John: Look closer.
05/17/2022 - John: Combine GAME BRO && SQUIDDLES.
05/17/2022 - ==>
05/17/2022 - Jade: Combine JOHNNYTOP && BEN STILLER'S SHADES.
05/17/2022 - Jade: Combine LUNCHMUFFS && GAMER CHAIR.
05/17/2022 - Jade: Combine FIREFLY TRAPPED IN A JAR && GLASSES.
05/17/2022 - Jade: Make some coffee.
05/17/2022 - ==>
05/10/2022 - ==>
05/10/2022 - ==>
05/10/2022 - ==>
05/10/2022 - ==>
05/10/2022 - Jade: Check calendar.
05/10/2022 - Jade: Examine hivestem.
05/10/2022 - Jade: Get some coffee.
05/10/2022 - Jade: Wake up.
05/03/2022 - ==>
05/03/2022 - ==>
05/03/2022 - ==>
05/03/2022 - ==>
05/03/2022 - ==>
05/03/2022 - ==>
05/03/2022 - ==>
05/03/2022 - Solution: Fall into Rose's lap, as if predestined.
05/03/2022 - ==>
04/26/2022 - ==>
04/26/2022 - ==>
04/26/2022 - ==>
04/26/2022 - Jane: Bother Terezi.
04/26/2022 - Jane: Offer some to your dad.
04/26/2022 - Speak of the devil...
04/26/2022 - Cranberry sauce.
04/26/2022 - Shorter cakes, even.
04/26/2022 - Chocolate cake.
04/26/2022 - Jane: Take a look at what you've tried thus far.
04/26/2022 - Jane: Start cooking for Rose's wedding.
04/19/2022 - ==>
04/19/2022 - ==>
04/19/2022 - ==>
04/19/2022 - ==>
04/19/2022 - ==>
04/19/2022 - ==>
04/19/2022 - ==>
04/19/2022 - ==>
04/19/2022 - ==>
04/19/2022 - ==>
04/19/2022 - ==>
04/19/2022 - ==>
04/19/2022 - Kanaya: Visit your soon-to-be father in law.
04/12/2022 - ==>
04/12/2022 - Jane: Contact an expert.
04/12/2022 - ==>
04/12/2022 - Jane: Equip lesbian pride scarf.
04/12/2022 - Jane: Examine baking chest vacancy.
04/12/2022 - Jane: Dispose of the ruined wall Tobias.
04/12/2022 - Jane: Examine missing wall Tobias.
04/12/2022 - Jane: Examine poster remnants.
04/12/2022 - Jane: Examine room.
04/12/2022 - Jane: Get up and do something.
04/05/2022 - ==>
04/05/2022 - ==>
04/05/2022 - ==>
04/05/2022 - ==>
04/05/2022 - ==>
04/05/2022 - ==>
04/05/2022 - Dave: Prepare yourself for the wedding.
03/30/2022 - ==>
03/30/2022 - John: Call in your problem solver.
03/30/2022 - John: Alchemize a new suit.
03/30/2022 - ==>
03/30/2022 - John: Try on one of your suits.
03/30/2022 - John: Examine the blue shirt in your sylladex.
03/30/2022 - Shuffle through and find something else.
03/30/2022 - ==>
03/30/2022 - John: Put together a wedding outfit.
03/22/2022 - ==>
03/22/2022 - Jane: Bluh?
03/22/2022 - Jane: Sip Faygo thoughtfully.
03/22/2022 - ==>
03/22/2022 - Jane: You're thirsty.
03/22/2022 - ==>
03/22/2022 - ==>
03/22/2022 - Jane: Return to your room.
03/22/2022 - ==>
03/22/2022 - ==>
03/15/2022 - Jane: Enter.
03/15/2022 - ==>
03/15/2022 - Jake: Enter.
03/15/2022 - ==>
03/15/2022 - ==>
03/15/2022 - ==>
03/15/2022 - Tavros: Phone a friend.
03/15/2022 - ==>
03/15/2022 - ==>
03/15/2022 - ==>
03/15/2022 - Tavros: Equip a lance and fight back!
03/15/2022 - ==>
03/15/2022 - Tavros: Go downstairs.
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - Dave: Fall in a more hard-boiled manner.
03/08/2022 - Dave: Enter, again.
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - ==>
03/08/2022 - Dave: Enter.
03/01/2022 - Join memo.
03/01/2022 - ==>
03/01/2022 - ==>
03/01/2022 - John: Wake.
02/22/2022 - ==>
02/22/2022 - Karkat: Be informed of the plot of ACT 1 ACT 2.
02/22/2022 - ==>
02/22/2022 - ==>
02/22/2022 - ==>
02/22/2022 - Jade: Solve the conflict with your cool powers.
02/22/2022 - Karkat: Call in the problem solver.
02/22/2022 - ==>
02/22/2022 - ==>
02/22/2022 - ==>
02/22/2022 - ==>
02/22/2022 - Start resolving this conflict.
02/22/2022 - Make amicable small-talk with your coworker.
02/22/2022 - Karkat: Show up for work.
02/22/2022 - ==>
02/22/2022 - ==>
02/22/2022 - ==>
02/22/2022 - ACT 1 ACT 2
02/08/2022 - END OF ACT 1 ACT 1
02/08/2022 - ==>
02/08/2022 - ==>
02/08/2022 - ==>
02/08/2022 - ==>
02/08/2022 - ==>
02/08/2022 - ==>
02/08/2022 - ==>
02/08/2022 - ==>
02/08/2022 - ==>
02/08/2022 - ==>
02/08/2022 - ==>
02/08/2022 - ==>
02/08/2022 - ==>
02/08/2022 - ==>
02/08/2022 - ==>
02/08/2022 - Hours in the future...
02/08/2022 - ==>
02/08/2022 - ==>
02/08/2022 - ==>
02/08/2022 - ==>
02/08/2022 - Rose: Arrive home.
02/01/2022 - ==>
02/01/2022 - ==>
02/01/2022 - ==>
02/01/2022 - ==>
02/01/2022 - ==>
02/01/2022 - ==>
02/01/2022 - ==>
02/01/2022 - ==>
02/01/2022 - ==>
02/01/2022 - ==>
02/01/2022 - ==>
02/01/2022 - ==>
02/01/2022 - ==>
02/01/2022 - ==>
02/01/2022 - ==>
02/01/2022 - ==>
02/01/2022 - Elsewhere yet.
11/30/2021 - ==>
11/30/2021 - ==>
11/30/2021 - ==>
11/30/2021 - ==>
11/30/2021 - ==>
11/30/2021 - Karkat: Descend.
11/30/2021 - ==>
11/30/2021 - ==>
11/30/2021 - ==>
11/30/2021 - ==>
11/30/2021 - Elsewhere...
11/23/2021 - ==>
11/23/2021 - ==>
11/23/2021 - ==>
11/23/2021 - ==>
11/23/2021 - ==>
11/23/2021 - ==>
11/23/2021 - ==>
11/23/2021 - ==>
11/23/2021 - ==>
11/23/2021 - ==>
11/23/2021 - ==>
11/23/2021 - Roxy: Check on Calliope.
11/23/2021 - ==>
11/23/2021 - ==>
11/23/2021 - ==>
11/23/2021 - Calliope: Gaze.
11/16/2021 - ==>
11/16/2021 - ==>
11/16/2021 - ==>
11/16/2021 - outside the elevator...
11/16/2021 - i fix my tie before getting off the elevator.
11/16/2021 - [S] i get in the elevator.
11/16/2021 - i yell up to the imprisoned person.
11/16/2021 - [S] karkat's acting weird.
11/16/2021 - what's he doing here?
11/16/2021 - oh hey.
11/16/2021 - this hallway is kinda spooky.
11/16/2021 - better get moving.
11/16/2021 - i look in the cell to my right.
11/16/2021 - John: Have an irrelevant dream.
11/16/2021 - ==>
11/16/2021 - ==>
11/16/2021 - ==>
11/16/2021 - ==>
11/16/2021 - ==>
11/16/2021 - ==>
11/16/2021 - ==>
11/16/2021 - ==>
11/16/2021 - ==>
11/16/2021 - ==>
11/16/2021 - ==>
11/16/2021 - ==>
11/16/2021 - John: Have an important dream.
11/16/2021 - ==>
11/16/2021 - ==>
11/16/2021 - ==>
11/16/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - John: Have a harrowing discussion with Terezi.
11/11/2021 - Dave: Have a wild and crazy conversation.
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - Kanaya: Welcome your girlfriend home.
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - Dirk: Hang out with Jake.
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - Callie: Catch up with Jane.
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - Roxy: Check up on Jade.
11/11/2021 - Select a conversation.
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - ==>
11/11/2021 - ==>
Caliborn's Masterpiece
10/27/2021 - Next!!!!!!!!
10/27/2021 - Next!
10/27/2021 - Next.
10/27/2021 - Next.
10/27/2021 - Next.
10/27/2021 - Next.
10/27/2021 - Next.
10/27/2021 - Next.
10/27/2021 - Next.
10/27/2021 - Next.
10/27/2021 - Next.
Burning Down the House
10/25/2021 - ==>
10/25/2021 - ==>
10/25/2021 - ==>
10/25/2021 - ==>
10/25/2021 - ==>
10/25/2021 - [S] Get this over with.
10/25/2021 - ==>
10/25/2021 - Vriska: Monologue.
10/25/2021 - ==>
10/25/2021 - Elsewhere...
10/25/2021 - Vriska: Get your bearings.
10/25/2021 - ==>
10/25/2021 - [S] ==>
10/25/2021 - [S][FUCK YOU!] NEXT!!!!!!!!
10/25/2021 - NEXT!!!!!!!! ==>==>==>==>==>==>==>==>
10/25/2021 - NEXT!!!!!!!!
10/25/2021 - Next!!!!!!!!
10/25/2021 - Next!
10/25/2021 - Next.
10/25/2021 - Next.
10/25/2021 - Next.
10/25/2021 - Next.
10/25/2021 - Next.
10/25/2021 - Next.
10/25/2021 - Next.
10/12/2021 - Next.
10/12/2021 - Next.
10/12/2021 - Next.
10/12/2021 - AND IN A SENSE. THEY HAVE.
10/12/2021 - AND FINALLY.
10/12/2021 - Next.
10/05/2021 - ...
10/05/2021 - ...
10/05/2021 - ...
10/05/2021 - ==>
10/05/2021 - ==>
10/05/2021 - ==>
10/05/2021 - Okay, for real, this time.
10/05/2021 - [S] Get ready to fight!!!
10/05/2021 - John: Exit.
10/05/2021 - ==>
10/05/2021 - ==>
10/05/2021 - ==>
10/05/2021 - ==>
10/05/2021 - ==>
10/05/2021 - ==>
10/05/2021 - ==>
10/05/2021 - ==>
10/05/2021 - ==>
09/28/2021 - ==>
09/28/2021 - ==>
09/28/2021 - ==>
09/28/2021 - ==>
09/28/2021 - ==>
09/28/2021 - ==>
09/28/2021 - ==>
09/28/2021 - ==>
09/28/2021 - ==>
09/28/2021 - ==>
09/28/2021 - ==>
09/28/2021 - ==>
09/28/2021 - ==>
09/28/2021 - ==>
09/28/2021 - ==>
09/28/2021 - ==>
09/28/2021 - ==>
09/14/2021 - ==>
09/14/2021 - ==>
09/14/2021 - ==>
09/14/2021 - ==>
09/14/2021 - ==>
09/14/2021 - ==>
09/14/2021 - ==>
09/14/2021 - ==>
09/14/2021 - ==>
09/14/2021 - ==>
09/14/2021 - ==>
09/14/2021 - ==>
09/14/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - Karkat: Start a new memo.
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - Kanaya: Meddle.
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - ==>
09/08/2021 - Rose: Look for that chisel.
09/08/2021 - Rose, Terezi, Kanaya: Chill.
08/31/2021 - [S] ==>
08/31/2021 - ==>
08/31/2021 - ==>
08/31/2021 - ==>
08/31/2021 - ==>
08/31/2021 - [S] STRIF---E!
08/31/2021 - ==>
08/31/2021 - ==>
08/31/2021 - ==>
08/31/2021 - ==>
08/31/2021 - Jane: Answer your messages.
08/31/2021 - Let's see that draft.
08/31/2021 - Jane: Respond in kind.
08/31/2021 - Jane: Read note.
08/31/2021 - Jane: Unbox some gifts!
08/31/2021 - Just open the dang thing!
08/31/2021 - Examine gift.
08/31/2021 - The pink one, duh.
08/31/2021 - Open those gifts!
08/31/2021 - Examine room.
08/31/2021 - Try again, goofball.
08/31/2021 - Enter name.
08/31/2021 - Burning Down the House
08/31/2021 - Jane: Dream.
08/24/2021 - Jane: Rest your eyes for just a moment.
08/24/2021 - Karkat: Answer Jane.
08/24/2021 - [S] Jane: Bother Karkat.
08/24/2021 - ==>
08/24/2021 - ==>
08/24/2021 - ==>
08/24/2021 - ==>
08/24/2021 - Jane: Raise the dead.
08/24/2021 - ==>
08/24/2021 - ==>
08/24/2021 - ==>
08/24/2021 - ==>
08/24/2021 - ==>
08/24/2021 - ==>
08/24/2021 - ==>
08/24/2021 - ==>
08/24/2021 - ==>
08/24/2021 - ==>
08/24/2021 - ==>
08/24/2021 - ==>
08/24/2021 - ==>
08/24/2021 - Jane: Go to bed.
08/24/2021 - ==>
08/17/2021 - ==>
08/17/2021 - ==>
08/17/2021 - ==>
08/17/2021 - ==>
08/17/2021 - ==>
08/17/2021 - ==>
08/17/2021 - ==>
08/17/2021 - Terezi: Make a slurpee mistake.
08/17/2021 - ==>
08/17/2021 - ==>
08/17/2021 - ==>
08/17/2021 - ==>
08/17/2021 - Terezi: Lay siege to a 7/11.
08/17/2021 - ==>
08/17/2021 - ==>
08/17/2021 - ==>
08/17/2021 - ==>
08/17/2021 - ==>
08/17/2021 - ==>
08/17/2021 - ==>
08/17/2021 - John: Clean.
08/08/2021 - [S] ==>
08/08/2021 - ==>
08/08/2021 - ==>
08/08/2021 - Be the mayor.
08/08/2021 - ==>
08/08/2021 - Roxy: BLUH!
08/08/2021 - ==>
08/08/2021 - ==>
08/08/2021 - Roxy: Make a pizza.
08/08/2021 - ==>
08/08/2021 - ==>
08/08/2021 - Roxy: Give the machine a test run.
08/08/2021 - ==>
08/08/2021 - ==>
08/08/2021 - ==>
08/08/2021 - ==>
08/08/2021 - Be Roxy.