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> What is this?

This is another ending to the webcomic Homestuck, which ran from April 2009 to April 2016. It's a completely different artistic direction than the "official" material took, and hopefully one that holds its own against the official endings.

> Who's working on this?

This is primarily a solo endeavor by yours truly, Victoria Lacroix. There are plans to hire artists to come on board for certain sequences, since it's a lot of work doing this alone, and I'd love to boost as many worthwhile fan voices as I can, but I haven't actually done that yet, because it costs money.

If you're unsure, check out the credits.

> Why?

I wanted to. It's a nice space to push myself as an artist and storyteller, and it's something people seem to like, so why not. That is to say, I did it for me. I like it. I'm good at it.

> Are you getting paid?

Not in any official capacity. I'm lucky enough to be in a space where I can spend time on this, instead of working a "real job", but I'm not actually making any money off of making it that isn't patrons or donations, and those are entirely dependant on readers like you. So if you like it, and think I should be paid, hey. You can do that.

> How often will this update?

As often as I can manage! I aim for weekly updates, but sometimes there might be longer sequences or sound pages that take longer. Animations take a while, so there's always going to be a bit of a dip in speed for those.

> How long will this be going for?

I'm not prepared to say, because the answer is as long as it takes to finish. Though there's a lot of things planned, the number of things planned is finite, and I can promise this: I do know it will end, eventually, and hopefully in a way that is as satisfying to you as it is to me.

> I have some concerns about the direction of the story / the social connotations of something you wrote!

Not a question! But worth addressing anyway. I'm not some dipshit who transgresses against norms just to transgress. That does me as little good as it does you. So if you're concerned about something I wrote, drop me an email at and we can talk it out, and if necessary, I'm open to making some changes.

> I like your work but I don't like Homestuck that much.

Okay. I made some games a while ago. You could look at those.