CALLIOPE: perhaps yoU can pUt it in a more nonliteral way?
JANE: I can!
JANE: ...
JANE: I feel like when you're making an omelette and you go in for the flip.
JANE: But you mess up really badly.
JANE: And the egg rips, and as you're negotiating with yourself whether to throw it out or just switch to really fancy scrambled eggs...
JANE: Your ingredients spill out of the pan and into the fire below.
JANE: And the smoke alarm is going off and your dad runs in and sprays it with his extremely fire-proof shaving cream, and he's still proud of you for trying but it's just not enough and -
JANE: ... I am going to whip myself into the most airy anxiety meringue if I keep at this metaphor.
CALLIOPE: i've never had an omelette.
CALLIOPE: or a father.
CALLIOPE: so i appreciate the effort!
CALLIOPE: bUt i do not think i Understand...........
CALLIOPE: maybe yoU coUld pUt it another way?
JANE: I cannot.
CALLIOPE: i am not a therapist, janey! :U
CALLIOPE: i can only give you my less than professional opinion!
CALLIOPE: the opinion of a casUal, at best.
JANE: Professional or not, lay it on me, skull girl.
CALLIOPE: ...........
CALLIOPE: that is a cUter nickname than it has any right to be.
JANE: Hoo hoo. :B
CALLIOPE: my casUal opinion is that i think it is fair to be feeling pUrposeless.
CALLIOPE: i spend a great deal of time feeling this way.
CALLIOPE: even when the whole of reality was searching for me! :U
JANE: Hm...
JANE: I don't... like that, though.
CALLIOPE: as i warned, i am not mUch help.
CALLIOPE: nor do i think anyone will be!
CALLIOPE: and while i am not against getting involved in sUch problems.
CALLIOPE: this is not the kind of problem i can really sink my claws into. U_U
CALLIOPE: it feels like far too personal a problem to have it solved by "datta, dayadhvam, damyata".
JANE: Mmm. Maybe so...