JANE: I dunno. I really don't think Matthew McConaughey is that hot.
JANE: He's certainly not my type, anyway.
JOHN: you're missing out!
JANE: I'm not! I still watch his movies.
JANE: When they're good anyways...
JANE: On that note, remind me to get copies of Serenity and Interstellar from Dirk eventually.
JOHN: oh shit.
JOHN: how long did he live in your universe?
JOHN: we may have a lot of matthew mcconaughey movies in our future.
JANE: *Your* future. I'm going to be a bit more selective.
JANE: And I don't know! I left in 2011.
JOHN: i think you're being kind of a snob right now.
JANE: I'm not! I just... don't really get much enjoyment out of ironically bad things.
JOHN: do you think it's ironic?
JANE: I guess I do.
JOHN: an excellent read of my character. i am displaying the armageddon poster in my bed room because i enjoy it ironically.
JOHN: i definitely do not sing along with don't wanna miss a thing.
JANE: Oh god.
JANE: ... We need to get a karaoke night together.
JOHN: haha, that'd be AWFUL.
JANE: I can sing!
JANE: I used to be able to sing, anyway.
JANE: It's been a while, and I can't imagine a planet covered in helium did wonders for my voice.
JANE: And besides, we may have to keep a spray bottle on hand for if a Strider gets jacked up on irony.
JANE: I don't want to risk having to listen Dirk try and perform some silly meme song that's way out of his range.
JOHN: haha, that'd be awesome, actually.
JOHN: do you have a song in mind??
JANE: Not really, I don't... really listen to karaoke music.
JANE: I'd probably go for a crowd-pleaser, something cliche.
JANE: Abba, maybe.
JOHN: oh good pick.
JOHN: everyone loves abba.
JOHN: i'd probably go with how do i live, over don't wanna miss a thing.
JANE: Do you listen to anything other than licensed music from action movies?
JOHN: i heard lady gaga on the radio the day before we entered the medium.
JANE: That's something, at least.
JOHN: and dave sends me mix tapes.
JANE: That's significantly less something. :B
JOHN: it is some thing!
JOHN: im proud to say his flow is only getting better!
JOHN: its totally passable.
JANE: I totally believe you.