CALLIOPE: he is disgUsting! he is wretched in all the worst ways one can be wretched!!!!!!!!!!!
CALLIOPE: he hid one of his chess pieces inside the tUb of ben nye that he knows i'm mildly allergic to!
CALLIOPE: the only time i forgot to seal my troll paint and when he woke Up he smeared oUr hands all over my sUit jacket!!!!!!!!!!!
CALLIOPE: it took every wish in my heart to clean it oUt with the scraping of special stardUst!!!!!!!!!!!
CALLIOPE: and it got into oUr joints for *weeks* afterwards!
CALLIOPE: he said it was MY fault!!!!!!!!!!!
CALLIOPE: even thoUgh he took and sent me a video of him Uncapping and chUgging down the bottle of hUman wiggler powder that i sealed it with!!!!!!!!!!!
CALLIOPE: he once emptied 11,111,111,111 silver sharpies into a bathtUb and BATHED in it!!!!!!!!!!! we were sick for almost a fUll rotation!
CALLIOPE: we had a single bUcket to use for storage and he SPIT in it!!!!!!!!!!!
CALLIOPE: every time he woke Up after i cleaned the bUcket he woUld spit his wretched saliva into it, no matter what was inside!
CALLIOPE: he made this wretched character to mock me and i don't wish to cast dispersions on people with less art skills bUt.
CALLIOPE: he is absolUtely horrid at character design!
CALLIOPE: every day i woUld check my inbox for art reqUests and he woUld send me a reqUest to draw his OC!!!!!!!!!!!
CALLIOPE: the first time i obliged becaUse i didn't know it was him and when i did, he said her "honkers" weren't big enough!!!!!!!!!!
CALLIOPE: he told me that i didn't draw them right!!!!!!!!!!!
CALLIOPE: we don't even *have* those! so how woUld he know???????????
CALLIOPE: cherUbs don't even have an expression of "womanhood" normally! it's something i have to try and strive for!!!!!!!!!!!
CALLIOPE: was he making fUn of me for it??????????? who knows! probably!!!!!!!!!!!
CALLIOPE: he is trUly a wretched and deplorable man, and excUse my harsh langUage, he is a little SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!
CALLIOPE: well and trUly, FUCK THAT GUY!!!!!!!!!!!