GG: Rose!
TT: Ah, Jane. How are things going?
TT: You've been typing for almost 30 minutes.
TT: That bad, hm?
GG: ... Indeed.
TT: Indeed.
GG: Believe me I'm trying my goshdarn heart out!
GG: I got all prepared in the patissier outfit and everything...
GG: Something's just not clicking.
GG: I messed up chocolate flipping cake from a *box*.
GG: Do you know how easy cake mix is to use? It's literally just powder from a box!
GG: It's the easiest thing in the whole world!!!
TT: Oh dear. Is everything alright?
GG: I'm fine!! I don't know what's going on. It just... doesn't taste right.
GG: I could hardly produce a cranberry sauce, let alone something as necessarily spectacular as a whole menu.
GG: Allowing for the time to actually do the cooking, I think it would be best for the both of us for me to bow out now, before I get in too deep.
TT: Understood, I'm sure someone else could handle it.
TT: Can I still expect you at the ceremony?
GG: Um, of course!
TT: Excellent. I'm sure we'd have all missed you otherwise.