EB: hey jade are you busy?
GG: i'm always busy john!!! but whats up
EB: i'm just thinking... none of my old out fits really fit.
GG: oh i already know where you're going with this.
GG: i was thinking about the same thing.
GG: the dead shuffle dress does not fit at all anymore... hehe
EB: we're immortal! why are we getting older.
GG: who knows ._.
GG: i decided to just stow the dress because its not really wedding friendly
GG: but if you want something resized bring it over and ill space scale it up for you no problem :)
EB: hmmm. well i appreciate it but all i've got are t-shirts and goofy suits!
EB: i thought i had an alchemiter but... i guess not?
GG: yeah uhm... yeah... sorry about that. they're more fragile than you'd think.
GG: i could easily get one set up in town if youd like! ive actually been meaning to for a while, the replicators are nice but a little bit spotty for making "new" things.
GG: i havent yet because... well theres a lot of stuff to do and it kinda fell down the cracks in the list ehehe.
GG: these plants arent going to care for themselves :P
EB: cool thank you jade.