DIRK: But that's not my point.
DIRK: My point is it's fragile and not meant to be load-bearing.
DIRK: You try and build a dynamic society on top of marriages, who fucking knows how well that'll stay up.
DIRK: Like, what even is a marriage?
ROSE: It's a recognized pairing of people.
DIRK: How's that different from a ship?
ROSE: The people involved have consented to the relationship, that's different from a shipping pair, it's externalized.
DIRK: How's it different from dating?
ROSE: There's a level of permanence and commitment to it.
ROSE: It's institutionalized.
ROSE: It was, anyway...
ROSE: I suppose that's not really applicable to us right now, but it's something to think about.
DIRK: It is, we certainly don't want to go off creating cultural institutions for no good reason.
ROSE: A domestic ceremony is possible.
ROSE: Forgive me for thinking aloud, but,
ROSE: The prevalence of domestic marriages is why the institution requires a priest or rabbi, and two witnesses.
ROSE: Though we're not in the fucking Dark Ages anymore, so we could cut that requirement too...
ROSE: While it may not be systematized or institutional... it would be nice, yes?
ROSE: It's... nice, to think about being married.
ROSE: It'd be fun to hit a maturity goalpost that I've missed so often you'd think them ignored, just to keep them on their toes.
ROSE: But...
ROSE: There are a lot of questions about these kinds of things, and they're questions I don't think anyone is qualified to answer alone.
DIRK: How would you celebrate it?
ROSE: A nice ceremony, and a reception where we can all celebrate.
ROSE: Dave would be the rabbi.
DIRK: Is he ordained?
ROSE: Does it matter?
DIRK: Guess not.
ROSE: I don't necessarily care about the legal aspects, I want to celebrate our victory. In both a cosmic way, and a romantic way.
DIRK: ...
DIRK: I'm not against that.
DIRK: I'm still hesitant to introduce marriage to carapaces. Or any institution, for that matter.
DIRK: Do we want to carry through all that meaning, on top of that?
DIRK: Again, it's like "I'm gay" like...
DIRK: I can identify myself as fitting within the concept of gayness.
DIRK: Like, I can say "I'm gay" and it won't conflict with the definition of the word that exists in my head.
DIRK: I was also raised in the middle of the fucking ocean.
DIRK: Never had a "gay community" or whatever.
DIRK: The cultural institution of homosexuality to me is old tapings of RENT and the most miserable of fujoshi-aimed manga.
DIRK: And I can call myself gay, that's what the concept is for, but... I don't fuckin' know about this one, dog.
DIRK: Is it for me?
DIRK: Like, I want it to be, but as fucked up and complex as the relationship between a signifier and its signified can be...
DIRK: A signifier without a signified is pretty fuckin' worthless.
ROSE: ...
ROSE: Are you yearning right now?