JANE: No offense intended, I half-expected you to come home and rush to Roxy.
CALLIOPE: no offense taken.
CALLIOPE: she seems... preoccUpied? :U
JANE: Right.
CALLIOPE: not that yoU woUld be a third wheel.
CALLIOPE: yoU're always welcome to "hang" with Us!
JANE: Oh I know, it's just that I've been rather busy...
JANE: Always something new to do, you know?
CALLIOPE: i do. u_u
JANE: So, dare I ask, how has Earth been treating you?
CALLIOPE: it's rather... vast.
CALLIOPE: it can be qUite an overwhelmingly large place.
CALLIOPE: especially when it is compared to the room i once called home.
JANE: Ooh, yeah. I can understand that feeling.
CALLIOPE: the meteor itself has sUch a convolUted story.
CALLIOPE: even now it sits beneath the ocean, ready to eventUally hoUse my brother and i. :U
CALLIOPE: even now, as yoU retUrn............
CALLIOPE: the dread beast of continUity rears its grizzled head!
JANE: Hoo hoo.
CALLIOPE: hoo hoo. forgive me for being dramatic!
CALLIOPE: i am jUst... rather nostalgic for it, against my better knowledge.