CALLIOPE: the meteor must be cast off, and the fridge mUst be opened............
JANE: Eurgh. Must we?
JANE: I only had a few experiences with the man in the fridge,
JANE: But I'm certainly not excited.
JANE: If anything, the idea of doing so fills me with... dread?
JANE: No...
JANE: Concern.
JANE: I think I've just decided...
JANE: The clown troll might be the ultimate bad omen?
JANE: Nothing good can ever follow or precede that man's presence.
CALLIOPE: hoo hoo.
CALLIOPE: correct yoU are.
CALLIOPE: thoUgh, yoU shouldn't worry, at least in my professional opinion.
JANE: Professional? :B
CALLIOPE: i am nothing if not eqUipped to talk aboUt it.
CALLIOPE: considering it is my home and all...........
CALLIOPE: it is in a far fUtUre moment!
CALLIOPE: long beyond when we, yoU, or i have any bUsiness seeing what happens.
CALLIOPE: far enoUgh in the fUtUre, that the sUn itself nears death.
CALLIOPE: as impossible as that may seem.
JANE: That's reassuring.
JANE: At the end of the day though, I still don't care for loose threads...
CALLIOPE: other than that, what loose threads do yoU think there are?
CALLIOPE: sUrely not many critical ones.
JANE: Hm...
JANE: I'm not sure.
JANE: It just feels... incomplete, you know?
CALLIOPE: i think i Understand. bUt jUst to really help me...........