Eternal September

02/25/25 - ->
02/25/25 - ->
02/25/25 - Mary: Level up.
02/25/25 - ->
02/25/25 - ->
02/25/25 - ->
02/25/25 - ->
02/25/25 - ->
02/25/25 - Mary: Strife!
02/03/25 - Mary: Engage.
02/03/25 - ->
02/03/25 - ->
02/03/25 - Frog: Appear.
02/03/25 - ->
02/03/25 - ->
02/03/25 - ->
10/12/24 - Elsewhere...
10/12/24 - Mary: Deploy.
10/12/24 - Mary: Execute.
10/12/24 - Mary: Write.
10/12/24 - Mary: Read.
09/01/24 - Mary: Enter.

Burning Down the House

07/07/24 - ==>
07/07/24 - ==>
07/07/24 - ==>
07/07/24 - ==>
07/07/24 - ==>
07/07/24 - ==>
07/07/24 - ==>
07/07/24 - ==>
07/07/24 - ==>
07/07/24 - ==>
07/07/24 - ==>

Eternal September

07/07/24 - ->
07/07/24 - ->
07/07/24 - ->
07/07/24 - ->
07/07/24 - ->
07/07/24 - ->
07/07/24 - Mary: Re-enter.
07/07/24 - ->
07/07/24 - Next.
07/07/24 - Next.
07/07/24 - Next.
07/07/24 - Next.
07/07/24 - Next.
07/07/24 - Next.
07/07/24 - Next.
07/07/24 - ->
07/07/24 - ->
07/07/24 - ->
07/07/24 - ->

Burning Down the House

06/04/24 - Next.
06/04/24 - Next.


Burning Down the House

[A1A1 | A1A2 | A2]


Posted on March 6, 2025, 5:31 pm

It is now March 2025, over six months since my last news post. Here's how things are going.

Araneabound is going well. I wound up biting off more than I could chew a few times now, but there's a preview up on Patreon. The tl;dr for the non-Patrons is that there's been a lot of false starts on the game, but I've finally settled on a single direction, and it's exciting. The goal is to be feature-complete by the end of the month, which means that the actual mechanics of the game will be done, and ready for making the game itself. A lot of the stuff made from the false starts will carry over with ease, so it's more done than it seems.

Eternal September's outline is almost completely written now. There's still quite a bit left - we're about 33% in - but the end can be reached. I'm aiming for ~500 pages, but that is just a guess, more than anything. Excited for the things to come, Eternal September is an essential piece of stuff going forward. Some people have already picked up on some connecting threads, and that's really fun.

Following that, there are a lot of interesting and fun things brewing behind the scenes I can't/don't want to share right now. There is a 2,500 word document I personally wrote containing the Beforus ancestors. Only god knows if that will ever see the light of day, but I think it's fantastic.

In the meantime, I think my shill of choice is going to be Befriendus, which is getting updates again. Alien and I are gonna make this the year of the dancestors. Or so fucking help me.

Posted on September 26, 2024, 3:57 am

And we're back.*

* Hopefully for real this time. Summer is the cruelest season, but we're past the autumn equinox, and things are cooling down. There's that old interview with Hussie where they say "Life has a habit of getting in the way of big projects. Life is fucking with you." and well. That's true. I've no shortage of life things to maintain, but the heat has mostly passed, GBJam has wrapped, and I think we did good. There is a major game-breaking bug, but for a ten-day jam, it's hugely ambitious and I think we did pretty alright..

With that in mind, what's the plan for comics? Right now, the plan is Eternal September until the walkaround is done, then back to BDTH with Eternal September updates... whenever. I have some exciting ideas I want to try, but I also haven't drawn more than one day in a row in several months, and there are ~70 talksprites to draw for characters, so... we'll see! We'll see. There's some crazy stuff cooking that I would also like to get back to, but it's just sort of slow going. Maybe I'll even get to work on commissions I owe people... wow. Could you imagine.

For this news post... Hm. I like to recommend things in pairs, but this time there's only one that I can think of I haven't recommended before. I've got to read more... anyway. It's John Ruins a Wedding. It's got one of the funniest core dynamics in any fanwork going up right now. Unparalleled Caliborn writing, a great sense for jokes, great read.

Until next time... (I do a cool cape-twirling motion, like Tuxedo Mask or a Dracula, and when it envelops me, I just turn back around. It's increasingly clear that I expect you to get up and leave yourself, until I have something more meaningful to show you.)

Posted on July 6, 2024, 10:14 pm

And we're back.*

* For the most part. We're back enough to get the show on the road. Next update's a big one, a doozy, as they call it, and with August 8th, END OF YEAR 3 coming up, let's shoot for that, that gives me a solid month to do what I'm looking for out of this next update.

In the meantime, you could go check out some friends's comics: AUTOPRAXIS, by friend of the show Audrey, or perhaps LOFTLATCHED, by friend of the show Pat. Both are fun and funny Sburb adventures that I'm really enjoying, both are updating pretty regularly, both are by good friends, it's good times all around.