TC: I ran the data through Shades.
TG: ohohoho?
TC: It is, as expected, audio data.
TC: It sounds like... not quite music.
TC: A single beautiful tone.
TC: Take a look for yourself.
TC: Or... hear, rather, since that's a verb more copasetic with the medium.
-- transmissionControl [TC] sent a file: 199309021431.wav --
TG: okey listening now..
TG: oh em gee its beauteouns
TG: * beauteouos
TG: * beaytus
TG: fuck it its just real pretty
TC: Do you have any leads on what this sound could be?
TG: nop
TC: I don't have much either, but I have my theories.
TG: girls like u always got ur theorys
TC: ... What?
TG: dont worrryyyyyyy
TG: do ur thing girliepop
TC: ... I'll let you know.
TC: If I may ask a question, now that I've had a bit to explore the systems at hand.
TG: mhm mhm
TC: This Deck modus system you've offered is very nice to use, but...
TC: I understand even less why you offered me a game of Jenga.
TC: What did that mean?
TG: ahahaha
TG: dw about it
TC: Well, I'm about to start another round of attempting to connect with Skaia here in a moment, if you'd like to switch to voice.
TG: oooohh
TG: i culd :3