TC: The password works.
TG: niiiiiice les go
TG: do u need a walkthrough on it
TC: I don't believe so. Is there anything you would note?
TG: mmmm
TG: what browser do you use
TC: I've been using Mosaic on the computer at home.
TG: no no no on this one
TG: u should have a diff one here
TC: It's "Yaldabaoth", same as it is on the Sidekick.
TC: How do you pronounce that, by the way?
TG: uhhhh
TG: dont worry about it
TG: not what i expected uh
TC: ... Is there an issue?
TG: ya so uh
TG: u shoulda been given echidna
TC: Is browser choice going to be an issue going forward?
TG: i unno maybe
TG: it may be fine as long as it opens pages
TG: itll be a problem down the line but
TG: we can do that when we get to it
TC: Alright...
TC: I assume this shortcut for "Shades" is that AI you mentioned?
TG: thats rite
TG: ik yk
TG: but i cannot stress enough
TG: b careful pls