(JANE): What's first, Jane?
JANE: I'm not doing your stupid Shark Tank cutthroat businesswoman shtick with you!
(JANE): You won't even "yes, and" me... Poppop would be ashamed.
(JANE): The first thing to put first is that you are under new management. I'll be calling the shots around here until we're through.
JANE: There's no way, somebody would stop you.
(JANE): Oh, do you really believe that? You don't.
(JANE): They're scared of you, Jane. You get everything you want, you get to be a degenerate burnout who nothing is asked of, because they don't want to end up like your precious Roxy.
JANE: I didn't do that at all!!!
JANE: You did!
(JANE): Can they tell the difference?
(JANE): Was there a difference there to begin with?
JANE: It kind of seems like you're just saying whatever comes to mind to try and make me feel bad for not being you...!
JANE: But I don't want to be you... And you don't want to be me!