TAVROS: 1 know 1 sa1d 1 could behave, and uh,
TAVROS: watch over her aquar1ums,
TAVROS: and 1 s1gned the wa1ver say1ng that, all l1fe 1s beaut1ful,
TAVROS: and she ma1led 1t to terez1, desp1te the law not really be1ng her th1ng anymore,
TAVROS: mak1ng 1t a notar1zed document,
TAVROS: even after she ate 1t whole,,,
TAVROS: but uh, what 1n the hell 1s that,
NEPETA: :33 < oh this is a nix33. theyre like murr magical croakb33sts.
NEPETA: :33 < fluffurry said they went exstinkt.
NEPETA: :33 < but fur impurrious clawndescention had a whole litter h33r... wow...
TAVROS: 1 don't know that "st1nk" 1s a good cat pun,,,
NEPETA: :33 < what are you, a clawp? :33
NEPETA: :33 < besides have you nefur herd of that sl33py cat stink???
TAVROS: what are you talk1ng about,,
NEPETA: :33 < like, you're sl33ping and resting your head on your cat?
NEPETA: :33 < and it totally smells diffurent! :OO
TAVROS: 1 wouldn't know, s1nce 1 am st1ll, allerg1c,
TAVROS: but 1 don't th1nk that 1s, a th1ng,
TAVROS: 1f 1 were not also allerg1c to catn1p, 1 would suspect you had 1ndulged,,,
NEPETA: :33 < i'm sure jake would know.
NEPETA: :33 < he always has purrldly pawbservations like that.
TAVROS: go ask jake then, and he w1ll say, you're 1nsane, 1n the bra1n,
TAVROS: and that your th1nk pan 1s uh,
TAVROS: warped,,,
TAVROS: and heats, unevenly, and all of your thoughts, are um,
TAVROS: undercooked }:)