TAVROS: okay, uh, l1sten,,
TAVROS: fefer1, 1f you are tak1ng notes,
TAVROS: the sp1ral sta1rwell, w1th the ramp, 1s almost a n1ce access1b1l1ty feature,,,
TAVROS: but actually,,, 1t just makes the walk really really long???
TAVROS: and 1 don't th1nk, that um,
TAVROS: 1t would be eas1er, on wheels?
TAVROS: so 1 don't know, who th1s 1s for,,,
TAVROS: 1t looks really cool though,, so, maybe 1t 1s, for you?
TAVROS: wh1ch 1 suppose 1s, okay,,,