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JADE: thats a tough one!! XP
CALLIOPE: answer to the best of your ability.
JADE: sigh. i dont know, calliope.
JADE: i want to say yes! i really do.
JADE: im doing the best i ever have been!
JADE: i have so many friends who care about me. and i care about them!
JADE: roxy is so kind to me, all the time...
JADE: and john and robin and rose are all doing well! they really are, i think.
JADE: its difficult to tell sometimes...
JADE: hehehe did you ever think gods of the new world would call it a good day when they stop playing every game on their backlog and get out of the house?
CALLIOPE: i understand the feeling. i also do not get out much.
JADE: you can come hang out with us :(
CALLIOPE: again, the gesture is appreciated. but infeasible, narratively speaking.
JADE: mm. isnt that just the damn way!!!
JADE: its been so many years and still, i miss davepeta.
JADE: we only had a few days together, there's a good chance that 100 times the length i knew them have passed.
JADE: i miss nanna and casey too.
JADE: its hard. im doing the best i can. but even then.
JADE: i dont think ill ever really get over it because. how do you.
JADE: but im working on it.
CALLIOPE: that you think you can be happy without intervention from a greater force is enough for me.
CALLIOPE: the second question i ask of you is this.
CALLIOPE: while the first was personal for me, the second will be personal for you.
CALLIOPE: both participants must be willing for the duet to work.
CALLIOPE: the writer is not present when the reader is reading, nor will the reader be present while the writer is writing.
CALLIOPE: but the reader reads, and the writer writes.
JADE: i still dont really know what im doing.
JADE: or.... i do. you want me to say the line!
JADE: but. why???
CALLIOPE: the purpose will become more clear when the time to go on stage arrives.
CALLIOPE: it is a means of disentangling this world, if only for a moment.
JADE: well, when do we go on??
CALLIOPE: when her work is done.
JADE: thats not very helpful. :/
CALLIOPE: a million golden arrows will point it out.
CALLIOPE: she wishes to be sure of your way, before leaving you for the night.
JADE: so it will be. obvious???
JADE: ok. i guess i can work with that...
JADE: but... how do i not die next time?
CALLIOPE: you know now the words to speak during our duet.
CALLIOPE: but a road cannot be understood by the signs that mark its path alone.
JADE: i don't think i follow again :(
CALLIOPE: you will, this i believe most of all.