It's a voice message.
Should I be anonymous? (bleep) Okay, let me start over.
Hey girly. I guess since this is a recording, this is a one way message. Welcome to working at sky a net! Its a bit barren, there's not a lot to do until this project is done. But when its done... oh boy. It'll be like the singularity. But we need your help.
We didn't have a huge amount of valid applicants, so you got the job by default, but don't let that dissuade you. You're pretty good regardless.
Anyway, if you look upon this magnify co desk, you'll see the nuptual tractor. Not what its called. (bleep) The nurture actor. There is an eggy looking thing in there now. Its name is sky. Uh! Sky a is a dormant crucible of unlimited creative potential but its just that, loll.
If you look closely you'll see the little guy in the reactor is the same guy you see in the sky right now. That's because its literally the same thing, through some convoluted state sharing and instantiation. What happens to one happens to the other. This game is predicated off of player input, and we need that more than anything to get it off the ground.
You may notice the version of sky a in the middle of the insipid sphere. That's where you are now. Has a little planet orbiting it. If you use the transport a laser in the basement it will take you there. We're still deciding on names for it but its referred to as the luminous planet in code. There is also a purple one that is further away. Its called the ominous planet right now. I've been calling it perp oh. But like your planet of frogs and circuits there's just not going to be any one there. Loll.
And you may ask. How do I fix that? Its lonely as (bleep) here. Well, here's the job. Obviously you can do the tech repairs and customer service we mentioned in the job offer if you want. But this is the real job.
To get this little guy who is really the big man out of his shell by any means necessary.
I'd offer assistance but you're a smart cookie. You could figure it out loll.