SAWTOOTH: reporting back, bro. calm as a lo-fi beat at 2 am out here.
SAWTOOTH: mad days of cleanup ahead but we're no stranger to that.
DIRK: Good to hear, man. I'll say you still owe me a verse, but we can hold out.
JAKE: What the dickens did i miss.
NEPETA: :33 < the coolest thing tafuros has ever done.
DIRK: Well, it's not like there was a huge bar to clear-
NEPETA: :33 < it was a r33l herdle though!
NEPETA: :33 < he totally corralled that ghost army too.
DIRK: Right, I was not there for that.
TAVROS: okay, so uhh, 1t wasnt *all* me,
TAVROS: you may have been uh, out cold, jake, but, hope 1s a hell of a drug,
TAVROS: and nepeta, too, helped,,,
TAVROS: but 1 w1ll bask 1n 1t, 1rregardless }:)
DIRK: Fuckin' fraymotifs, man... I wasn't offered Aspect Meow Stesso by any of my little dudes. The hell's up with that?
NEPETA: :33 < it's beclaws you're not a CAT. X33
DIRK: ... If that's the way it has to be.