JOHN: so i guess our first thing to do would be to check out consort villages.
JOHN: see how they're doing!
JOHN: i wonder if the secret wizard will be there, still.
JOHN: 7 years is a long time for consorts to just hang out!
CALLIOPE: oh goodness, i hope the secret wizard is still aroUnd!
JOHN: what do you know about the secret wizard?
CALLIOPE: well, i know he is a cUte little gUy.
CALLIOPE: and he says "behold my robes" very fUnny.
JOHN: you know what? that's totally true.
CALLIOPE: yes!!! ^u^
JOHN: i'll go look for the nearest village.
JOHN: it shouldn't be too hard to find my quest bed...
JOHN: there was a path that leads between there and a village!