You catch the ghost of every potential failed escape attempt on the path out, paying them your respects as you pass by them in the corner of your neurons.
JANE: How are you even still here??
JANE: The tiaratop is long-gone!!
JANE: You shouldn't even be real right now...!
(JANE): The artificiality has been torn away, all that remains is the intelligence.
(JANE): I'm realer than ever! >:B
JANE: Gh- guh-
JANE: Why can't you leave me alone??
JANE: I don't want to be an heiress, a CEO, a president!
JANE: It's only by the good graces of having loved ones that I'm okay with being me!
JANE: Just leave me ALONE!
CALLIOPE: indeed.
JADE: what the hell just happened?
CALLIOPE: i lent you some of my power.
CALLIOPE: though i fear it was too much to handle.
JADE: siiiiigh. am i dead.
CALLIOPE: for the moment, yes.
CALLIOPE: you will be revived momentarily, as your death is best recognized as "a miscalculation on my part".