VRISKA: And with that, I'm out of here.
VRISKA: 8ig plans in the works, I'm m8king moves in silence!
JANE: You aren't very silent at all...
VRISKA: You're a riot, Crockpot.
VRISKA: Don't worry a8out what I'm doing. You worry a8out you, and you go and m8ke you some 8oon8ucks!
VRISKA: According to the plans, you've got nothing 8ut downtime until the moo8easts come home after this. Once said moo8easts enter the pastures, we're off to the races.
VRISKA: Actually, hold on, let me rethink this analogy, since I realized I'm a part of the moo8easts in question.
VRISKA: ........ Fuck it, I don't have anything 8etter to replace it with, so.
VRISKA: L8r, Jane.