VRISKA: It's a long story, there's a lot of sexual tension involved, righteous violence upon the sinful, the deflection of violence onto the scapegoat-slash-poisoned to feign innocence in the face of the law, it's all VERY romantic.
VRISKA: We love it, you love it, everyone loves it.
JANE: I don't think I do!
VRISKA: That's the spirit. Anyway, the long and short of it is that this guy went long and got shorted, narratively speaking.
VRISKA: I gotta m8ke it right.
VRISKA: Rezi is always in my ear a8out "oh, Vriska, you should do this" when ACTUALLY, she just wants me to do *community service.*
JANE: Rezi?
VRISKA: My girlfriend!
JANE: How wonderful. Is she as much of an extravagant bitch as you? :B
VRISKA: You know it. >::::)
JANE: I'd love to meet her, NOT!!! >:B
VRISKA: Ouch. Your words wound me, Crockpot.
JANE: Not my name, Vriska. How do you even know my name?
VRISKA: How do you know *my* name?
JANE: You told me.
VRISKA: Wh8ever! Let's just shortcut the details.
VRISKA: Take his severed head and put it in the kernelsprite.
JANE: The what?
VRISKA: Crockpot is actually pretty fitting if you're on this slow a cook, damn.
VRISKA: So this thing, this is a kernelsprite.
JANE: Oh! Calliope told me about these. I think she wanted Poppop to go in it...
JANE: She was so excited to meet him too.
JANE: I didn't realize that this was that.
VRISKA: Yeah, this is that. You put something in it, and in a normal version of the game, all your underlings and consorts match it.
VRISKA: 8ut your version's 8roke. So the prototyping - the thing you're a8out to do - doesn't work properly. Your sprite will 8e prototyped, 8ut none of your underlings.
VRISKA: No king and queen either, not that it's an issue, some kind of coincidental destruction of the two happened and the 8attlefield is gone.
VRISKA: Which is good! 8ut that's details for l8r, when the rest of us will arrive.
VRISKA: 8ut for now, it's just me!
JANE: But... how?
VRISKA: Time travel. Picked these up from a ghost witch in the dream8u88les - do you know what those are?
JANE: No, jeez! Jeez... I'm starting to think I'm in way over my head!
VRISKA: You think you've got it 8ad, huh?
JANE: I already knew I was but oh my capital-G GOD!
JANE: Do this, prototype this, talk to this Internet shithead, lift this balloon,
JANE: I just want to play the game!
JANE: I just want to see my friends.
VRISKA: If there's one thing this guy was good at, it's 8eing friends with people.
VRISKA: So put the head in the sprite.
VRISKA: The 8ig man hass the rock, ally-yoop for the SLAM DUNK already!
JANE: ... Don't make that face at me, buster.
VRISKA: Fine. Pretend it's someone you're mad at!
VRISKA: There's gotta 8e some8ody who's stuck in your craw.
VRISKA: You seem like such a tight-ass all the time, don't you want to just cut loose?
JANE: ...