VRISKA: Hey! Get over here, loser.
VRISKA: We don't have all day!
JANE: Who are you...? *cough*
JANE: Shucks, that's going to be a real bummer to speak through...
JANE: Sorry, uh... Helium planet.
JANE: Who are you?
VRISKA: Your 8est friend, unfortun8ly.
VRISKA: You can call me MARQUISE.
VRISKA: Consider me a mentor, a guide, a voice in your head that tells you how to not suck ass!
VRISKA: First things first, you're a total chump for doing all those puzzles the intended way.
VRISKA: You could have gotten that hop8east to get the colored lamps directly and carried them with you.
VRISKA: ........ Oh, hold on, that's THIS hop8east? What the fuck.
VRISKA: Good to know, I guess. Not really a mystery that needs solving.
VRISKA: 8ut I'm not gonna kick a fuller view of the asinine landscape of your session out of the cocoon with me.
VRISKA: Anyway, hot gamer tip: If you carry the lamps with you, you'd save yourself SO much 8oring fucking walking.
JANE: Oh... That's not a half-bad idea.
VRISKA: You're damn right it's not a half-8ad idea.
JANE: So, Marquise, if you're acting as my guide...
JANE: You'd tell me if this was all going pear-shaped, right?
VRISKA: Hahaha, spoilers. It's certainly gonna 8e a task and a half to right this ship's course, 8ut it can't 8e more fucked than the timeline we're gonna 8e merging with.
VRISKA: Imagine if instead of me, (your 8est friend, unfortun8ly!) it was the most disgusting clown you've ever seen.
VRISKA: Imagine he opens his mouth and he says something reprehensi8le a8out miracles, or your 8oo8s, or how miraculous your 8oo8s are.
VRISKA: Imagine you hand him 420 8oon8ucks and he gives you a love potion 8ecause you're so horri8ly in love with some guy.
JANE: Does the potion work?
VRISKA: Nope. It's actually a vial of some guy's 8lood.
JANE: ... I wouldn't like that very much at all.
VRISKA: 8ut you'd use it if it did?
JANE: Well, Marquise, I'd have to say I'd consider it...
VRISKA: You're a n8tural at this. This session's gonna 8e a wild ride, and you're going to cause a little of that chaos yourself.
VRISKA: M8ke room for the new arrivals, and all. :::;)
JANE: What? What do you mean?
JANE: Bluh, I feel like I may be out of the loop already... what do timelines have to do with anything?
JANE: I think introducing time travel may have totally wrecked my ability to follow things...
JANE: Is this one of those games where you play as the bad guys?
VRISKA: Damn, you really are new to this whole thing, aren't you?
VRISKA: You can't overthink time travel. If you worry about replic8ing the same actions you saw yourself do in the future, you're gonna choke.
VRISKA: Wh8ever happens, happens!
VRISKA: 8ut for now, there's gonna come a point where shit's gonna get really 8oring for you.
VRISKA: I'm gonna speedrun you to that point, then peace out.
VRISKA: There's a8out 4 months of *a8solutely torturous* interpersonal drama that I have no desire to 8e a part of.
VRISKA: Last thing I need is one of you hangers on deciding to rope me into it.
VRISKA: So let's hop to it! I can't do this one myself.