JANE: While we're just shooting the shit.
JANE: I'm a lesbian.
TEREZI: NO SH1T? >:] > :] >:]
JANE: Put those eyebrows down!
JANE: Or... horns?
JANE: Or... greater than signs?
JANE: We're just speaking, how are you doing that anyway???
JANE: Anyway!!
JANE: I haven't told anyone yet... besides you, now.
JANE: I tried talking to Rose about it. She seemed... knowledgeable. Confident. Functional, maybe even distinguished.
JANE: But it didn't go anywhere... and I wound up making a fool of myself.
JANE: I think Roxy knows. She's got some preternatural sixth sense.
JANE: She just "knew" about Dirk being a man before anyone else, and...
JANE: She tried to tell me Jake was gay too.
JANE: Bisexual?
JANE: I suppose the specifics doesn't matter... what matters is that he was interested in Dirk more than me. Imagine if I had listened to her!
JANE: You'd think I'd learned my lesson about trusting her gut when it came to things after the BCCorp incidents.
JANE: Sigh... It's only hitting me recently how much I leaned on that brand for stability.
JANE: And look at how little I have without it.
JANE: I mean, what can I say about myself now that I'm not the heiress to Crockercorp, that I'm not relentlessly interested in Jake English, that I can't cook for shit, that I can't even appreciate the support from my father.
JANE: What else is there to me?
JANE: What's the point of Jane Crocker?
JANE: Surely there's something...
JANE: ...
JANE: Can I just be Jane? I think I've only ever wanted to just be "Jane".
JANE: ...
JANE: You don't have to answer, I wouldn't expect you to.
JANE: At least the voice inside the tiaratop always knew the next thing to do.
JANE: To bring things back around, I suppose it'd really be something if Jake and I were both gay.
JANE: After all our miserable little relationship's been through, it's certainly a fitting end.
JANE: Mourning a relationship that neither of us would have been happy with!
JANE: Wow I've been talking for a while.
JANE: I didn't mean to bore you with all that.