Italicized bugs are ones I have not successfully recreated, if you have more information let me know!


Characters will sometimes do an incorrect animation when at a small-talk point.


DDR can be cheesed by spamming arrow keys. Going to leave this one in - cheat all you want! I'm not a cop.

DDR games will be out of sync.


Fixed in v1.0.1.

Softlock — when moving upstairs from the central living area, characters will walk back down the stairs into a darkened version of the central living area. To prevent this, click directly on the stairs and don't input while walking up them. To solve this once it's happened, save the game and reload from the curtain screen. (See the issues with saving games though too.)

Characters face the wrong direction when watching TV.

Jane and Roxy have a conversation that is only available before the event they talk about has been done.

Answers for Terezi's puzzle are case-sensitive when they shouldn't be.

Cards can be duplicated when clicked from certain positions.

Triple Triad cards aren't saved properly when reloading.

You will always load in as Jane, regardless of who you were playing as when you saved.

Terezi's puzzle will be loaded in even if you solved it before saving.