MELCHIOR: 1 g1ve Up.
BALTHAZAR: the s1gnal undeniably came from here, though.
MELCHIOR: do yoU th1nk 1t's th1s p1ece of crAp?
BALTHAZAR: the appl3 comput3r?
BALTHAZAR: the on3 mad3 by human hands?
MELCHIOR: well, sUre! 1t's poss1ble.
BALTHAZAR: could you tak3 this s3riously for a mom3nt?
BALTHAZAR: just on3 mom3nt.
BALTHAZAR: it's all i ask.
MELCHIOR: 1 Am! 1 Am.
BALTHAZAR: th3n stop saying stupid shit.
BALTHAZAR: you hav3 s33n it.
BALTHAZAR: it is not any of this... this *junk*.