<System> Welcome new user magiMelchior!
<~bohemianCrapsody> oh new user
<~bohemianCrapsody> are you here because TC posted that thing about dave's world.
<~bohemianCrapsody> she's such a jerk about it but don't flame her here for it.
<magiMelchior> yes, we hAve observed the stAr At 1ts r1s1ng, And hAve come to pAy 1t homAge.
<chris0002> ahahahahahahahahahahaah
<chris0002> TC is totally right dave's world is gonna fucking suck
<chris0002> but you type like a tool
<~bohemianCrapsody> chris0002: please be nice to new users, even if leetspeak is against the rules.
<~bohemianCrapsody> magiMelchior: don't do that if you don't want to get banned.
<~bohemianCrapsody> your message is still legible so... i guess i won't ban you on sight, but be careful.
<System> Welcome new user magiCaspar!
<~bohemianCrapsody> oh. i see.
<magiCaspar> melkkyyyy, are you being creepy online? ( o v o)
<magiMelchior> no.
<magiCaspar> it looks like you ARE! she says its best too be PERSONABLE and CHARMING.
<magiMelchior> thAt's only for tAlk1ng to her, cAss1e.
<magiMelchior> 1f 1 hAve to br1ng her bAd news, 1t w1ll be my end.
<magiMelchior> she desp1ses Us. we Are lower thAn the lowest w1nged sh1tbeast At the fly1ng b1gtop.
<magiMelchior> 1 Am try1ng to be ser1oUs. 1t 1s A ser1oUs mAtter to me.
<~bohemianCrapsody> news to me. told you to stop, though.
<magiMelchior> Apolog1es. my f1ngers s1mply dr1ft out of hAb1t.
<System> Welcome new user magiBalthazar!
<magiCaspar> baltoooo...! ( ^ A ^) * hi...!!
<magiBalthazar> cassi3.
<magiBalthazar> now that w3 all ar3 h3r3.
<~bohemianCrapsody> okay, it seems all three of you wiseguys are friends, so i think this formally makes it a raid.
<~bohemianCrapsody> please don't spam our channel with inanity.
<magiBalthazar> w3 hav3 gifts for this star.
<magiBalthazar> a s3t of fil3s from the siliconv3nt dir3ctly.
<~bohemianCrapsody> is that... siliconvent? i'm just assuming you're doing a e = 3 substitution.
<magiBalthazar> that is corr3ct.
<magiBalthazar> is th3r3 a fil3 s3rv3r w3 can upload th3m to.
<~bohemianCrapsody> ... is this something that took 3 people to do?
<magiBalthazar> ... no.
<chris0002> in the style of "how many people does it take to screw in a lightbulb":
<chris0002> how many leetspeaking morons does it take to share a file
<~bohemianCrapsody> chris0002: seriously.
<~bohemianCrapsody> magiBalthazar: please stop the leetspeak and we'll talk file transfer protocols.
<magiCaspar> but its soooo provocative to ask that.... (" u n u)
<magiCaspar> to ask a stranger no less....
<magiCaspar> i didn't think it was that kind of chatroom ufufufufu.
<~bohemianCrapsody> magiCaspar: have you been doing this too? i kind of didn't notice.
<magiCaspar> yessss. yes i haaaave. (" u n u)
<~bohemianCrapsody> oh, i see now. the 4 letters. that's not very leet though, that seems more like OCD.
<magiCaspar> how forward.... ( > u <)
<magiMelchior> 1 wAs Under the AssUmpt1on th1s wAs A chAtroom, not A brothel.
<chris0002> no, it is, how much for an hour-
<~bohemianCrapsody> chris0002: come on now. not helping.
<~bohemianCrapsody> magis: i'm going to mute all three of you until TC comes back. then you can take whatever it is up with her.
<System> Users magiMelchior, magiCaspar, and magiBalthazar have been muted.