ROSE: ...
ROSE: Did I break Harry Potter, and reassemble it in my image?
ERIDAN: wwhat are you fucking talking about
ROSE: Nothing important, I'm just shocked, is all.
ERIDAN: i dont knoww a damn thing about these books
ROSE: I know.
ROSE: Perhaps you could keep up then, with the movies.
ERIDAN: but theyre so fuckin lame
ERIDAN: this is supposed to be wwizard shit
ERIDAN: but its all just human british people
ERIDAN: bein normal fuckin asswwipes
ERIDAN: the only dude wwho even comes close to bein a good wwizard is dumbledorf
ERIDAN: his beards majestic as all hell
ERIDAN: but evven hes kinda lame hes just a freak
ROSE: It's more about the fantasy of being a teen, in the Wizarding World™ than any actual magic, I suppose.
ROSE: Besides, the books grow up with the readers.
ROSE: Maybe I'm just getting defensive. These are still definitively children's books, at the moment.
ROSE: We'll see how we feel after the next one. All the critics generally agree that this one was the best, so...
ERIDAN: lets get goin then