Rose and Eridan: Review Harry Potter movies.
CW: This is about Harry Potter. So naturally, content warnings for anti-Semitism and transmisogyny.

ROSE: I can't believe Roxy refused this, I thought she loved wizards.
ROSE: But I guess you're as good a movie partner as any.
ROSE: I've never actually seen any of these, but I know of them by reputation.
ROSE: We're off to a good start, because we're watching Sorceror's Stone first. Nobody's ever had a problem with Sorceror's Stone.
ERIDAN: ok i dont knoww a damn thing about these books
ERIDAN: troll harry potter
ERIDAN: or as wwe called it
ERIDAN: the plight of the wwizard kingdom and its endless squabbles against the dark lord in wwhich many characters die 15 spells are used toilet lore is espoused 12 times and the scheming mentor dies in the turn into the last book as a result of being upstaged by a 16 year old and then approximately 3 chapters are spent camping and the general amount of fun had drops cleanly to zero and many adaptational changes are made to sell the books including the erasure of lore such as the philosophers stone and the removval of the letter u from some wwords
ERIDAN: it wwas totally different
ROSE: I completely believe you.
ROSE: But I've always called it Sorceror's Stone.
ROSE: No offense intended to philosophers at least, I'm a philosopher on my father's side.
ROSE: But sorcerors are simply cooler.
ERIDAN: i GUESS youre right
ROSE: Shall we begin?

ROSE: Well, that certainly was a movie.
ROSE: As stated, who would ever have a problem with Sorceror's Stone? It's like having an issue with macaroni and cheese.
ROSE: I forgot they decided to make the floors of Gringott's a Star of David pattern.
ROSE: Thankfully, we won't ever have to unpack that, and what it means for the nature of the goblins that control the banks.
ERIDAN: its bullshit that draco was vvillainized like he wwas
ERIDAN: he did nofin wwrong
ROSE: Ignoring that outburst, should we move on to Chamber of Secrets?
ROSE: We've got a lot of actors ahead of us.
ROSE: Kenneth Brannagh is playing Gilderoy Lockheart, and Jason Isaacs is in this one too.
ROSE: Before this, he did a dual role as Mister Darling and Captain Hook in the 2003 adaptation of Peter Pan.
ROSE: It's certainly an interesting choice.
ROSE: Anyway.
ROSE: This one's Christopher Columbus again, so I'm fully expecting it to be as sentimental, anodyne and toothless as the first.

ROSE: Wow that was way worse than I was expecting.
ROSE: Harry didn't even do anything in this movie.
ROSE: It's almost impressive how little the so-called protagonist does. He's just in full "no thoughts, head empty" mode the whole story. And this, this introduces a quandary. One I suppose I had been expecting to deal with, but it being so up front and center is...
ROSE: I remember all of these beats - but it isn't *how* I remember them. Is it possible that I remember these being better than they were?
ROSE: Like, the fragments of a good story are here. I remember the dueling club, I remember Ginny opening the chamber, I remember the cat potion. (Very funny, given my path through life.)
ROSE: I even remember things like Ron's broken wand and the terrible CG slug vomit.
ROSE: But I remembered it more fondly.
ROSE: Things connected more cleanly. As much as I hate to say it, I liked this series a lot.
ROSE: I remember so clearly, getting worked up about it. Something about Ginny being led astray by the forces of darkness, it just kind of connected with me.
ROSE: But here I am again, and it's awful. It's pabulum, it's so shallow that it's functionally a nonpresence.
ROSE: Did I just invent a better story in my mind?

ROSE: ...
ROSE: Did I break Harry Potter, and reassemble it in my image?
ERIDAN: wwhat are you fucking talking about
ROSE: Nothing important, I'm just shocked, is all.
ERIDAN: i dont knoww a damn thing about these books
ROSE: I know.
ROSE: Perhaps you could keep up then, with the movies.
ERIDAN: but theyre so fuckin lame
ERIDAN: this is supposed to be wwizard shit
ERIDAN: but its all just human british people
ERIDAN: bein normal fuckin asswwipes
ERIDAN: the only dude wwho even comes close to bein a good wwizard is dumbledorf
ERIDAN: his beards majestic as all hell
ERIDAN: but evven hes kinda lame hes just a freak
ROSE: It's more about the fantasy of being a teen, in the Wizarding World™ than any actual magic, I suppose.
ROSE: Besides, the books grow up with the readers.
ROSE: Maybe I'm just getting defensive. These are still definitively children's books, at the moment.
ROSE: We'll see how we feel after the next one. All the critics generally agree that this one was the best, so...
ERIDAN: lets get goin then
> VL: Engage in frustrated author insertion.