TG: hey
TG: janey
TG: hey janey
TG: heeeey
TG: jaaaaneeeey
GG: Yes, madame Lalonde?
TG: is ur birthday right
GG: Oh, maybe! It's been a few days, actually. I plumb forgot.
TG: watever
TG: adults celebrate their birthdays on the weekend sometimes
GG: That's the most depressing thing I've ever heard.
TG: thats just how it used to be u kno
TG: cant be up all night singin karaoke when u gotta go to work in the morning
GG: Not what I meant.
GG: It was actually... do we qualify as adults now?
TG: i think so
TG: not really anyone older than us
GG: My dad's still around.
GG: I do! :(
TG: ok thats fair but
TG: have i got a DEAL for u
GG: What kind of deal are we talking?
TG: come over and see
TG: uve been typin for a while
TG: this call is for business and NOT 4 pleasure
TG: or at least not that kinda pleasure
GG: To be caught up in a LESBIAN ADULTERY SCANDAL with MS. LALONDE of all people, to be swept up in a WHIRLWIND GAY ROMANCE-
GG: Oh.
TG: id have to kick people out first
TG: no idiot we got the big time alchemiter up and runnin
TG: the one that runs off the big denizen grist hoards
TG: come get your gay ass some presents
GG: I'm on my way. Don't cut the cake 'til I'm there!